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From the future to the past

From the future to the past


The author takes you 300 years into the future. The book describes how peaceful and non-violent our planet Earth has become. The positive climate change brought about by scientific innovations has made the Earth pollution free, green and livable in 2319. The technological advances in human habitats, transportation, interplanetary space travel, agriculture, medical and health care have reached unimaginable heights which will amaze the reader. The mistaken alien attack on the Earth is successfully foiled. The aliens from planet Acton, who had actually come in peace, become friends and share their technological advances with our scientist. Moon habitats are functioning as tourist destinations where people visit regularly.
From 2319 Dr. Varoon takes Ara into the past, like a time machine, to unveil the history up to 2001. This experiment was conducted since they had no historical data before 2219 when a full scale nuclear war had completely destroyed the world. Those who survived and the scientists, protected by a shield in the Space Centre had rebuilt the world. The experiences of the past, by stretching the memory of Ara, by injecting a serum were very intriguing, sometimes painful and mostly distressing, since stress, fear, violence and crime were unknown in 2319. Subsequent experiments with another subject, goes awry since he was a terrorist in the past who rebels and runs away from the experimental table and starts attacking with a crude bomb. He is caught by using a highly intelligent robot, Rob. However to everyone’s surprise, Rob along with his 5000 robots rebel and want to destroy humans by making a similar bomb. They want freedom from human bondage since they are treated like slaves!! Read on to find out their fate

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